Skulpturenpark Musée de Grenoble

Alexander Calder (*1898 Lawton/Pennsylvania †1976 New York):
Monsieur Loyal (1968)

Stahl, schwarz gefasst, 9 m hoch.
Leihgabe der Region Rhône-Alpes, 1993.

»A long time ago I decided, indeed, I was told, that primitive art is better than decadent art. So I decided to remain as primitive as possible.«
[Alexander Calder, 1957]

»(...) when I use two or more sheets of metal cut into shapes and mounted at angles to each other, I feel that there is a solid form, perhaps concave, perhaps convex, filling in the dihedral angles between them. I do not have a definite idea of what this would be like, I merely sense it and occupy myself with the shapes one actually sees.«
[Alexander Calder, 1951]

[Foto: 6/2018 tew. Lizenz: Creative Commons Namensnennung - nicht kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen]